
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2017


                                                                                                                       The Perfect Heart  Wind try to answer, do not just sweep the dust  Waves try to guess, do not just roll the water  Who is the strongest?      The answer is my rainbow      Her lips, Smiling when she saw me laugh      Her hand, supporting me when I fell      Her eyes, are sharp as eagles      Her heart, do not ask!  Ants can see..  Smile that always served every time  The angel is living with full of smiles  Although the eyes look wistful  Shoulder stacked loads  Your smile still never broke up        Do not ask who my angel is        Certainly the answer you know,             "SHE IS MY MOTHER"                                                                                                                         BY: RISA HANA

An Analysis of Good Business Meeting

1.     Leader ·          His voice is loud and clear. ·          He was able to lead the meeting in a calm way. ·          He gives his colleague a chance to speak their mind and give their opinions. ·          He doesn’t give off a tense atmosphere, so his colleagues do not feel uncomfortable and are relaxed throughout the meeting. 2.       The process of the meeting ·          The meeting went smoothly. ·          Everyone was well prepared and contributed to the meeting by giving their opinions. ·          It was consistent without the leader or the people going out of topic. 3.       Work environment ·          The meeting room is tidy. ·          Everyone was dressed formally. ·          Everyone were served drinks. ·          Everyone had the meeting materials held in their hands.