1.      Technology Affects Communication

Technology continues to evolve over time, until today more and more emerging technologies with a wide range of uses. Some examples of technology are mobile phones and laptops. With the proliferation of technologies that are able to overcome the obstacles of time and space. today, people who live far away can still communicate through technology such as mobile phones. Technology greatly affect social life, people can connect through technology to facilitate communication, not only positively influence but also a negative influence on the use of communications technology.

The positive impact with the technology of communication, communicate more efficiently only by sending a text message or call means that do not require much time. Facilitate work in the office, employees can communicate via email. However, some technological advances cause people to be distracted, overly stressed, and Increasingly isolated. The negative impact of communication technology, a person tends to be more closed to the surrounding environment, they are less socializing in the community. Communication only through the mobile phone not to come face to face tends to be less effective. When someone constantly communicating through technology, s / he can lead to depression and feelings of loneliness. 

2. listening is a big chalange

       Listening is an activity that every day is done by almost everyone. However, listening to some people is a difficult thing to do. There are several factors that cause the difficulty of listening;

  • Interest factor, people's interest in the conversation made, if people is not interested in the topic of discussion then the person is less likely to listen to the person who is talking


when a teacher is explaining in front of the class and the students are not paying attention, they are noisy while the teacher is explaining the material.

  • This may be due to the student's lack of interest in the subject or his lack of interest in the material being described.

  • There is also a factor of concentration, when the teacher explains the student is invited to speak by his or her friend making the focus of the pupils distracted and not listening

  • And the last factor that is too late or too long when talking, is also the cause of people less want to listen and feel sleepy.


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