
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2018


NO Source Language Google Translate Target Language Strategy 1 Kopi dikenal sebagai salah satu minuman yang digandrungi banyak orang. Sudah banyak studi menyebutkan rutin minum kopi bakal memberikan manfaat bagi tubuh. Coffee is known as one of the most loved beverages. Already many studies mention the routine of drinking coffee will provide benefits to the body . Coffee was known as one of the preferred drink of many people. Many studies mentioned of the routine of drinking coffee will provide benefits of the body. SYNONYMY 2 Diantaranya meningkatkan konsentrasi, mengurangi stres hingga menurunkan risiko terkena kanker dan diabetes. Among them increase concentration, reduce stress to reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes. Among of them to increase concentration, to reduce stress, and to     reduce risk of cancer and diabetes SHIFTS OR TRANSPOSITIONS 3 Guna memaksimalkan