
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2017

Curriculum Vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Name                                   : Risa Hana Place & Date of Birth            : Depok, March 29 1996 Gender                                : Female Religion                                : Islam Nationality                            : Indonesia Marital Status                  : Single                                      Address                               : Rawadenok Street Rt 004 Rw 001,                                                                                           Depok, West Java 16434                                     Telephone                            : 08 9653350924                                     Email                                   :               EDUCATION B ACKGROUND                                   FORMAL : §   20


Jakarta, May 18 th 2017 Attention: Personal Manager of PT WIRAUSAHA MUDA SUKSES SEJAHTERA Jl. Cempaka Atas no.24 West Jakarta. Dear Sir/Madam, Refer to your requirement advertised in December 30 2016, I am interested to joint and to contribute with your respected company. I am twenty one years of age, single and in good health condition. I am student of Gunadarma University, Depok. I love read the books, and I like written. I am be able to use English both oral and written, computer literate, able to use MS Office package such as MS Word, MS Excel, MS Power Point, internet, also familiar with English correspondences. I am willing to learn and work very well with others and anxious to put my knowledge into practical. Enclosed is my resume and latest photograph for your review and considerations. I hope you will grant me an interview and the opportunity to give you more details about myself.                                           


1. Negotiation Negotiation is  discussion between two or more parties to reach a common goal and agreement.  Negotiation should not take sides, but should consider both parties. It is a process by which compromise or agreement is reached while avoiding argument and dispute. 2. Style of Negotiation            There are five styles of negotiating to resolving disputes or making deals, in this bellow: 1. Competitive Negotiators are Primarily concerned with achieving their own goals regardless of the impact on others. Views negotiation as a win/lose rather than a problem solving activity. Competitive negotiators have a strategic mind,  so they don’t tend to get phased by their opposition. 2. Accommodating Negotiators are friendly and interested in creating a positive dynamic for the negotiation. They are mainly concerned with building and preserving relationships between parties. 3. Collaborative Negotiators are open and honest. They try to understand the


TAK LEKANG Jangan diam, coba lihat kedalam Tubuh yang menopang mu 9 bulan lamanya Berdiri kokoh meski lelah fisiknya Menatap mu penuh harapan Menunggu kehadiranmu dengan kebahagiaan Jangan marah, coba masuk kedalam Lembut bagai kain sutera Kuat layaknya seorang tentara Meski tubuhnya lelah Di hadapan mu dia selalu gagah Ibu, bagai sayap tak terlihat Menyayangi tanpa kata cukup Membesarkan tanpa kata bosan Mengajari tanpa kata lelah Sakit-sehatnya, susah-senangnya Untuk si kecilnya


My Makeup Collection Now, many makeup products appear, all brands are competing to present the latest makeup products to attract many customers. Here I want to share some makeup products that I use for everyday. This is some makeup products that I used. The first is sunscreen I use sunscreen from NMW product. Sunscreen is important to avoid skin from the sun. Use it when out of the house. The second is Powder Powder is also important for me. I use powder after using sunscreen (But wait until sunscreen is dry). The third is Lipstick Usually, I use a pink lipstick for everyday, but it depends on the clothes I used. Sometimes the lips look cracked so I use a lip-butter before using a lipstick. that is some makeup product that i used everyday..


Cheese cassava Cheese Cassava is a cassava-based food combined with cheese and milk. This food has been widely sold in the various cities and many people love it. Here, I will try to explain how to make Dice cheese cassava. The Materials: 500 gr Cassava 1 lt water Chedar milk Oil 2 tbs salt How to make: The first step is peeled cassava that has been prepared, then cut into several parts. After that, wash cassava that has been cut and put salt into the cassava. Then boil water and put cassava into the pan, wait until the cassava becomes tender and discolored. After that lift and chill, then cut the cassava into the dice. Heat oil for frying, after that put the cassava into frying pan. Fried until cassava turns color and looks crispy, then lift and drain.  After that put the cassava into the plate and put grated cheese and milk in the top of cassava. Cheese cassava ready to serve.