
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018


TAK LEKANG Jangan diam, coba lihat kedalam Tubuh yang menopang mu 9 bulan lamanya Berdiri kokoh meski lelah fisiknya Menatap mu penuh harapan Menunggu kehadiranmu dengan kebahagiaan Jangan marah, coba masuk kedalam Lembut bagai kain sutera Kuat layaknya seorang tentara Meski tubuhnya lelah Di hadapan mu dia selalu gagah Ibu, bagai sayap tak terlihat Menyayangi tanpa kata cukup Membesarkan tanpa kata bosan Mengajari tanpa kata lelah Sakit-sehatnya, susah-senangnya Untuk si kecilnya


                                           I AM FRAGILE... It's me now my hair is not tidy again there is no more your hand my eyes are not clear anymore.. there is not your face in front of me my heart is not cheerful anymore.. there is not your name is again!


                     LIES I saw a group of humans Strapping like a soldier authoritative as a president and talk like a lawyer I know them, but they do not I adore the way they speak, but only lies I chose them, but they seemed to forget now, I recall it see them on the television wearing an orange suit with the words "prisoner" I'm not happy that I realized how the fragile my country is


The Perfect Heart Wind try to answer, do not just sweep the  dust. Waves try to guess, do not just roll the  water. Who is the strongest?  The answer is my rainbow  Her lips, Smiling when she saw me laugh  Her hand, supporting me when I fell  Her eyes, are sharp as eagles       Her heart, do not ask!  Ants, can you see?..  Smile that always served every time  The angel is living with full of smiles  Although the eyes look wistful  Shoulder stacked loads  Your smile still never broke up        Do not ask who my angel is        Certainly the answer you know,             "SHE IS MY MOTHER"                                                                                                                     

D'Kandang Amazing Farm

D’KANDANG AMAZING FARM Today, tourism places is the most sought-after places of many people, both children, students and workers increasingly interested to visit the tourism palces that have beautiful scenery and prices in accordance with the pockets of society. Currently, the manager are increasingly competing to make the latest innovations to attract the public's attention. Like Depok, Depok has several tourist attractions such as Water Boom, Situ Depok and others. But lately there is a tourist attraction in Depok which is loved people not only depok community but also Jakarta, Bogor and surrounding areas. The place is called D'Kandang Amazing Farm. D'Kandang Amazing Farm is a tourism place that have educates visitors about how to farm, how to grow the plants and many outbound that can be done. D'kandang is located in Pasir Putih Sawangan Depok. Along with the development of tourist attractions D'Kandang impact on the people around the tourism place.


CLAUSE a clause in grammar is a subject plus a verb. The subject is the entity “doing” the action of the sentence and the verb is the action that subject completes.  A clause may include the verb predicate as well. But, it must include  at least  the subject and verb to be considered a clause. For examples of clause: Subject + verb (predicate) I eat grapes I cook soup The team pray together He laughed A  clause  can be usefully distinguished from a phrase, which is a group of related words that does  not  contain a subject-verb relationship. Phrase is a group of words that have a head and modifier. A head is the controling word and a modifier is conveys extra information. For examples of phrase: On the table (preposition phrase) Very quickly (adverb phrase) #KINDS OF CLAUSE          1.  Main Clause (Independent Clause) An  independent clause,  along with having a subject and verb, expresses a complete thought and can stand alone