D'Kandang Amazing Farm

Today, tourism places is the most sought-after places of many people, both children, students and workers increasingly interested to visit the tourism palces that have beautiful scenery and prices in accordance with the pockets of society. Currently, the manager are increasingly competing to make the latest innovations to attract the public's attention. Like Depok, Depok has several tourist attractions such as Water Boom, Situ Depok and others. But lately there is a tourist attraction in Depok which is loved people not only depok community but also Jakarta, Bogor and surrounding areas. The place is called D'Kandang Amazing Farm.

D'Kandang Amazing Farm is a tourism place that have educates visitors about how to farm, how to grow the plants and many outbound that can be done. D'kandang is located in Pasir Putih Sawangan Depok. Along with the development of tourist attractions D'Kandang impact on the people around the tourism place. There are people who sell around nearby tourist attractions  and there are also employees in the tourist attractions so as to increase the economy of the people around the tourism place.

Now, D'Kandang development is still being done, it is expected that after the place is completed the people around of  D’kandang is more involved in the activities of D'kandang, so that the people around D’kandang can also increase their income and give the people a better life. the managers must also pay attention to the environment around the sights so that not only in the profits but also the community environment does not feel harmed. Managers must add facilities and add the  outbounds. in my opinion, D'Kandang provide fresh air for the citizens of Depok because D'Kandang  is not just for a vacation but also give education for the visitors, especially for children. Children can learn to feed livestock, cultivate plants and milk cows. If it continues to be developed it is not impossible that people from outside the city will visit D'Kandang Amazing Farm.


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